Obituary Writing 101


I was innocently asked today if I were able to write my own obituary, what would it say? Would it be long or short? they asked. Serious or humorous?specialized-obituaries-far-side-cartoon

I had to think on it for a while, because, let me be honest, I’ve never ever had to answer this question before. Without going into the whole long, drawn-out and very obvious conclusion of saying I wish I’d done a few things differently (most everybody thinks that in their last moments, I’m sure), I’d rather say something…else.

Here goes: (my own obituary)

Li was a morning person. She loved the dappled sunlight that came through the trees, but didn’t like direct sunlight. People told her she was funny. A lot. She felt that being a little silly was a good way to spend a few minutes a day.

After latching onto an idea of something she wanted to accomplish, she would. At least half the time. The other half? Miserable, pathetic attempts at doing things too perfectly. Her favorite things other than family and friends? Words. Cats. More words, this time written by Li herself. “There is no such thing as a perfect life,” Li used to say. “But spending time in a room full of my favorite books is certainly a great start.”

I don’t have any preachy sayings on lost loved ones, memories, and such. Instead, I’ll just give you a link to a funny story about a lady who really wrote her own obituary, and recently used it as a joke from beyond the grave. Enjoy!





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